Facebook (No Access)

16 02 2011

I wonder how many others don’t like the new photo strip on their page? I feel it gets in the way and would like the option to turn it right off, unfortunately there’s no option for this.

So, I decided to ask about this in the help forum… only to find that I couldn’t post to it.

Despite facebook having a forum, I couldn’t post to it… so what’s the point of having a forum?

When people encounter this type of situation, there’s a feeling of slight paranoia, what have I done?

I wonder if others are locked out, or a certain few have decided another certain few (myself included) were not good enough to post? I could post, have done so before, just asking technical questions, never anything nasty.

One of the things I felt was useful was a little box of text which told the reader something about me has vanished, a design change has seen to that.

It seems to me the user should have the option to add or leave things off their own page if they want to, why are Facebook so into removing stuff we want, while adding stuff that we don’t?
