Riverside Meetup

8 06 2010

Down by the river side

Apparently I’ve been asked to put together an informal get together in Melbourne. I have doubts that I can do this but… Here goes:

The first thing to say about it is the idea came from Clickon, a mailing list which is a sort of breakaway from the ABC Science Mailing List. Peter Adderly asked me to put this together, this is the reason the twitter hashtag will be #petespicnic at least for now, if others have a better idea for a name, then we might change it.

Anyway, restricting the planning to clickon may not be the best way to go, so I decided to try a blog to open it out to other interesting people who may like to come too, such as the ABC people I know, the local twitterheads, and secondlifers… no, it’s not just for Melbourne people, you can come too if you want to fly, bus, drive, ride or hike down, that’s fine.

I think we should set the location somewhere near the Yarra, near Federation Square, Southbank or the Botanical Gardens.

And I think November would be a good time to do this, when things are warming up.

I personally would like to opt for a daylight get together, this would make it easier for families who want to come, however if there was also an evening get together for those who wanted to go to the pub or have an evening meal together, then why not.

Food, I haven’t sorted this out… but I think it should be BYO and Share, or we could possibly just buy what we wanted from the local cafes.

Melbournes weather can be capricious, so we should have a plan to take cover should it be too cold and wet.

Anyway, this is all just in it’s planning stages, what I’d like is some help, some suggestions and a few hands to show who might, or who’d like to come, even if you’re not quite sure that you could make it yet.

Yes, we are aiming for early November.




5 responses

8 06 2010
Wolfie Rankin

Yes you can come if you’re not from Melbourne… If you can fly from Holland to be with us, that’s perfectly OK.

No, it’s not just for ABC people, you can come from any media organisation or any organisation, though if you come from a chololate factory, or vineyard then you must bring a few free samples or I’m afraid that you won’t be allowed, sorry.

8 06 2010

sounds interesting , i would like to be part of it

8 06 2010
Wolfie Rankin

You’d be welcome, Rory.

8 06 2010
Tracy Sorensen

Who knows? I might be in Melbourne around that time! Will there be many werewolves?

8 06 2010
Peter Adderley (note "-ley")

Hej! Wolfie,
Good one, BUT no one has ASKED you to do this. It’s just a suggestion that I think you will get a lot out of by doing it.
You seem to be off and away. Don’t look for huge accolades, just the silent knowing that you pulled it off. If you get rained out the event will turn into something else or just fizzle if no one turns up. Either way no one’s put out and gives more energy for the next try.

I’m sure you’re already beginning to enjoy the process. It’s meant to be fun.

Good work and good luck,

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